Our mission at YNAZ is to help people become passionate followers of Jesus Christ.
Yreka Church of the Nazarene, or YNAZ as we like to call it, was founded in 1949 by Pastor Leonard York. It has been a staple in the Yreka area ever since. It is part of the greater Church of the Nazarene denomination that was born out of the 19th century holiness movement.

With over 2 million members attending over 29,000 churches, the Church of the Nazarene ministers in over 160 "world areas" globally. With its three core values of being "a Christian people, a Holiness people, and a Missional people" the church desires to fulfill the Great Commission by making Christlike disciples of the nations. We seek to connect with God and others, grow in our faith, and serve within the community. When you come, you can expect to be warmly welcomed by a people from all different walks of life, dressed casually and ready to make new friends. You will find a wide range of ages including a founding member, a growing number of families, young adults, teens, and lots of kids! Our music is a fantastic mix of songs you may be familiar with from earlier years and newer, singable music arranged to bring God glory and usher the Church into His presence. The music ties right into the Bible-based message presented in a passionate, challenging way. If you have children, you will find our nursery safe, well-staffed, and inviting and our Children's Church engaging and fun, using the 252 Basics program from Orange.. Join us!